6 Ways to Help You Snag that Dream Job, According to Experts

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We all have dreams jobs that we have fantasized about since we were kids, but how many of us are living the dream now?

The truth is, landing that dream job isn’t easy and can be quite a challenge. But don’t let that keep you from pursuing your dreams. If you go into your job hunt determined and fully prepared, half the battle is already won.

Turn your dream job into reality and aim for that career you have always wanted. Here are some tips for landing that dream job, according to industry experts, business owners and professional career advisors.

Develop your skill set.

Source: Imgflip

If you are just starting out, don’t be discouraged by your lack of experience. Instead, think of ways to build up your skills and expertise so that you can apply them in the future. Don’t forget intangible skills like leadership, communication and teamwork too. They are equally important.

Reach out to companies directly.

Source: Imgur

Don’t simply stick to job portals and jobs postings. Keep a lookout for companies that you are interested in and approach them directly. Let them know your skills and tell them how you can help move the company forward. Sometimes, not all job opportunities get posted onto job portals and the company might realise they could use someone with your talents.

Take the first step.

It is common to be stuck in an unsatisfying job and afraid to move out of your comfort zone for fear of the unknown. But if you are serious about snagging your dream job and career, you have to make the first move because any progress is good progress. You can do a part-time internship in your new field, take a class on the weekends or even attend an industry event. All these will bring you closer to your goal.

Do up your social media.

Source: Make a Meme

Social media is a game-changer. Use it wisely to craft your own personal brand. With social media, you can show potential employers glimpses of your expertise, personality and talents. Plus, having a social media presence, such as LinkedIn, can help you grow your network and connect you to relevant people in the industry, making it easier for them to find you.

Win a contest.

Source: https://www.taleas.com/memes/winning-the-contest-kick-back-like-a-boss.html

If you dream job is in the creative field such as music, show business or designing, winning a contest could be the first step to getting your name out there. Look for contests with well-known sponsors or contests that are sponsored by the company you would ideally like to work for. It might be the way into the company. Even if you don’t get hired, you will be plumping up your portfolio.

Show that you are passionate for the job.

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So you managed to snag an interview for your dream job! Turn up to the interview with a bright smile and be enthusiastic. Let the hiring manager know that this is your dream job and tell them why specifically. Positive energy is infectious and this could sway them in your favour.