KURUG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kúrug v [B2S; ab3(1)] tremble.
Mikúrug ang yútà paglínug, The ground shook during the earthquake.
Nagkurug ang tín-gug sa kalísang, Her voice is trembling with fear.
Ayaw kurúga ang lamísa kay mayabu ang sabaw, Dont shake the table or the soup will spill.
n vibration, shaking.
Ang kúrug sa makina, The vibration of the machine.
() a trembling, quivering.
Dì na siya hingígù kay kurug na ang íyang kamut, He is no longer a sharp-shooter because his hands have become unsteady.
v [B12] become shaky, quivering.
paN- v [A2S; b3] for a person to trem-ble.
Nagpangurug ku paghúbit sa dugúung kaági, I trembled as I recounted the bloody event.
ma-un a shaky, trembly.

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