KARAMBULA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

karambúla n {1} free-for-all cockfight in which three or more cocks take part.
{2} free-for-all among people.
{3} way of play-ing billiards such that the cue ball must hit both balls to score.
{3a} score thus made.
v {1} [AC; c1] hold a free-for-all cock-fight.
{2} [C; a2b3] have a free-for-all fight.
Sa iláwum sa íyang dughan ingun sa adúnay daghang butang nga nagkarambúla, It was as if there were numerous matters fighting it out with each other deep in his breast.
Husáyun ta lang ni.
Ngánu bang karam-buláhun pa man giyud?
Lets settle this case amicably.
Why do we have to fight it out?
{3} [AC; b] play carom billiards.

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