SINIYUR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

siniyur n title of address for men of high station.
short form: nyur {1} Mr.
, sir.
Si Nyur Pidru muabut rung hápun, Mr.
Peter will arrive this afternoon.
Andam na ang ímung awtu, nyur, Your car is ready, sir.
{1a} form of direct address between intimate male friends.
Kumusta, nyur!
How are you, man!
{2} in set usage for names of saints (not shortened).
San Pidru St.
San Bisinti St.
Santu Ninyu the Holy Child.
pista sa Feast of the Holy Child.
-un a detesting manual work.
Ságad sa mga dátù mga sinyurun ug kusug musúgù, Most rich people are too good to do manual work and tell people to do things for them.

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