SANDURUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sandúrut a intimate.
Sandúrut kaáyu silang amigúha, They are very intimate friends.
v [C1] be, become intimate with s.
Dílì ku makigsandúrut ug tabian, I dont want to become intimate with gossipmongers.
ma-in-un, ma-un a friendly, done as would be done to a friend.
Masinandurútun nga pagabiábi, Entertain-ing in a most friendly manner.
maki-un a friendly, tending to treat people amiably.
Sayun ra siyang pakigsabútan kay mak-isandurútun man, It is easy to make an agreement with him because he is amiable.
ka- n one with whom one is on intimate terms.

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