TIKLU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tiklù v [A; ab2] {1} catch s.t.
by encircling the neck with a band or loop attached to an end of a pole.
Mutiklù siyag ubud, He catches eels by grasping them by the neck.
{2} steal s.t.
petty (slang).
Tiklúun ta nang íyang manuk karung gabíi, Lets swipe his chicken tonight.
{3} catch s.
committing a petty crime.
Maáyu nang pulísa mutiklù ug mangunguut, That policeman is good in catching pickpockets.
{4} [A; ab2] kill, esp.
violently (slang).
Nakatiklù na siyag duha ka kuntra, He has killed two enemies.
{4a} have a girl for sexual purposes for the first time.
Minyù ang únang mitiklù ánang bayhána, A married man had sexual intercourse with that woman for the first time.

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