LANGTAW is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

langtaw v {1} [AN13; a2] see, look at s.t.
in a distance.
Lantáwa ang búkid ug gigabúnan ba, Look at the mountain and see if it is shrouded in mist.
Nalantawan ku sa ákung gitindúgan ang pag-abut níya, I could see him coming from where I was standing.
{1a} [A; a12] watch a movie or stage performance.
Mulantaw kag sini rung gabíi?
Will you see a movie tonight?
{2} [A; a2b2] look to the future, perceive with foresight.
Lantáwun mu ang kaugmáun ug panagána, Look to the future and be prepared.
Nalantawan ku nga kanang trabahúa walay kauswágan, I have perceived that that job o?
ers no advancement.
{3} [A; a12] look after.
Akuy mulantaw sa bátà ug mulakaw ka, I will look after the child if you go out.
Lantáwa ang ákung sinugba nga isdà arun dílì mapágud, Keep watching my broiled fish to see that it doesnt get burnt.
-an(), -anan n an elevated place which a?
ords a good view.
paN- n foresight.
Kanang ímung paági kúlang sa panglantaw, Your procedure lacks foresight.

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