DAHUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dáhun n leaf.
v [A] grow leaves.
Kusug mudáhun ang agbáti, Agbáti tends to grow lots of leaves.
ug lagpad v [AN; c5] improve financially (lit.
grow wide leaves).
Mudáhun (manáhun) tag lagpad ug magkúgi, We will improve financially if we work hard.
tubu, sa, ug tubu n k.
long thin flat fish with green bones and fins all round the body.
() {1} leaf of a book.
{2} cured tobacco.
paN- v [A] sprout leaves.
n leaf arrangement.
Ang panáhun sa káhuy nga tagiluyluy nag-atbang, The ipil-ipil tree has bipinnate leaves.
dahundahun n any insect that looks like a leaf.
v [B6; a4] be more thick with leaves than fruits or grains.
Mudahundahun (dahundahunun) ang humay basta lutábun ra ang yútà, Rice plants have more leaves than grains if the soil is too boggy.
-in-, -in-() n sold by the leaf.
Tagái kug tabákù nga dinahun, Give me some leaf tobacco.
ka-an n leaves.

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