SAKLUB is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

saklub n {1} sheath, holster.
{2} wife (humorous).
Bisag ásas Timyung uban giyud ang íyang saklub, Wherever Timyong goes his wife tags along.
v {1} [A13; c6] put, put in a sheath, holster.
Isakub na nang ímung ispáda, Sheathe your sword.
{2} [A13; c1] make into a scabbard.
-an n = saklub, n.
saklub n lid, s.t.
put over s.t.
else as a cover.
v [A; b6(1)] cover s.t.
over with a lid or a loose covering.
Saklubi ug maáyu ang sud-an kay arun dílì sungkábun sa iring, Cover the dishes well so that the cat cant get at them.
Díay tualya isaklub sa ímung úlu, Heres a towel to cover your head with.

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