GAWAD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

gáwad = hi-ha-, v 2.
hi-ha- v {1} [A2; b5c] deny s.t.
to s.
Muhigáwad ka gánì sa usa, higawári (higawára) na lang ang tanan, If you deny s.t.
to one, deny it to all.
Walà giyud kuy ihigáwad kanímu, There is nothing I would deny you.
{2} [B126; b4c5] feel hurt because of a slight.
Mahigáwad siyag dì pasak-un sa átù, She will feel slighted if we dont let her stay here.
Higawran kag paryinti kun hakug ka, Your relatives will feel slighted if you are selfish.

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