LIHUK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

líhuk v {1} [A2S] move.
Búhì pa diay ang isdà kay naglihuk, The fish is still alive because it is moving.
{1a} [A; a12] cause s.t.
to move.
Kinsay naglíhuk sa hárì áring damahan?
Who moved the king here on the checkerboard?
{1b} [A2; a12] betake oneself to do s.t.
Dì mulíhuk ug dílì suburnúhan, They wont make a move unless you bribe them.
{2} [A2; b4] for a characteristic to make its appearance.
Ug mukatursi anyus na ang láki, mulíhuk na ang gána, When a boy reaches fourteen years or so, he begins to feel his sexual drives.
Milíhuk na pud ang túlis, Robbery cases are on the rise.
Gilihúkan na pud siya sa íyang kabúang, His insanity is making its appearance again.
n {1} action, deed.
Katahápan ang íyang líhuk, His actions are arousing suspicion.
{2} ones turn to move a piece in a game.
hínay ug a {1} timid, lacking aggressiveness.
Hínay nímug líhuk!
Musugut na untà tu ug ímu pang giapríta, You sure dont move!
She would have accepted you had you pressed her.
{2} slowpoke.
Hínay bayà nímug líhuk, wà man nímu mahuman nga udtu na man, You sure are slow!
You havent finished and its already noon!
() n movement, stirring.
Basta way irpákit, wà giyuy lihuk ang ayruplánu, As long as there are no air pockets the airplane will fly smoothly.
a {1} always moving, unstable.
Lihuk kaáyung tabanúga, An unstable kite.
Lihuk nga bátà, A restless child.
{2} for women to have excessive sexual desire.
Ang mga babáy-ing lihuk bísag minyù na, manguríbut pa giyud, Women who have excessive sexual desire fool around with men, even if they are married.
v [B12; b6] be, become s.t.
that moves around too much or a woman of excessive desires.
pa- v [A23; a12] set s.t.
into motion.
Ubang pulitiku mupalíhuk dáyun sa ubras publikas sa panahun sa piliay, Some politicians will set public works projects into motion during elections.
hag- v [B1256] be able to move.
Pwirti nákung lisánga.
Wà ku mahaglihuk, I was so frightened I couldnt move.
-an() a given to moving around, restless.
Lihukan siyag kamut sa sinihan, He has wandering hands in the movie house.
-in-an() n way one acts.
ka-an n {1} activities.
Unsay kalihúkan sa iskuylahan rung gabíi?
What is going on in school this evening?
Kalihúkang langyaw, Foreign a?
{2} movement, organized activities to gain a certain objective.
Kalihúkan sa pausbaw sa swildu, Movement to in-crease wages.
ma-() = lihuk, a.
paN- n {1} the way one carries himself.
Mga babáying artipisyal ang panlíhuk, Women with artificial ways about them.
{2} things to be done, chores to attend to.
-un() = paN-, n2.

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