Getting a Pet in Cebu

Are you ready to be a pet owner? Getting a pet is not to be taken lightly. It’s not a decision you make overnight. Before deciding to get a pet, remember that you are going to be responsible for the life of another living being.

Is this pet right for me?

There are cat people and dog people. Then there are people who prefer fish or hamsters. If you get a dog, will you be able to groom it and give it the attention it needs? Does your home have enough space for a medium to large dog? If you are living in a condominium, it might be better for you to get smaller dogs.

How about your family? If you have a family, make sure that they have no dog hair or cat hair allergies. Will you be able to afford the necessary vaccines or the occasional trip to vet?

Hamsters fighting. Image from Wikipedia by Dalius Baranauskas

What care does this pet require?

If you have decided on a pet, do your research. What sort of care does this pet require? What about litter trays, bowls, toys, beds, cages or other items?

And do not forget the food they eat. Find the best food option that will provide maximum nutritional value for your pet.

A terrier-type mixed-breed dog. Taken from Wikipedia by Chris Barber.

Should I adopt or buy?

So this is the big question. Should you buy that lovable pup you saw on your Facebook page or adopt one who needs you? If you buy the pup, you will get to enjoy it at its cutest stage. However, adopting a pet is priceless as you are saving a life and giving the pet a home. If you are planning to adopt though, you can visit Cebu City Pound or Bring Home Pets Cebu.