Know Thy Enemy: Sodium

A guide to knowing all about this ever-present electrolyte

The Good

Sodium is a mineral found in almost all food items. It is needed by the body to maintain normal blood pressure and blood volume, as well as regular function of muscles and nerves. The most common form is what we know as table salt. Table salt contains 40% sodium and 60% chloride.

The Bad

Where sodium goes, water follows. If there is too much sodium in our system (specifically in the blood), fluids may accumulate in the body causing swelling, even difficulty breathing. This fluid retention can lead to increased blood volume, which eventually results in high blood pressure.

The Ugly

Aside from high blood pressure or hypertension, a diet high in sodium can also bring about edema or swelling (of the lungs or even in the heart), cardiac conditions, liver and kidney diseases.


  • Always read labels carefully. Look for the SODIUM content (must be less than 2 grams) - read more about understanding nutrition facts label.

  • Use different spices and herbs (ginger, onion, garlic, pepper) to bring out the flavor in your food.

  • Drink 6 to 10 glasses of water a day to flush out that excess sodium.

  • Always eat fresh and choose organic foods.

Avoid  - totally remove from diet

  • (anything with a long shelf life)

  • Instant food like noodles, TV dinners

  • Commercial seasoning containing monosodium glutamate (MSG) in the form of bouillon cubes, liquid seasoning, “ready” mixes

  • Processed, cured, or canned food

  • Dried and/or salted fish

  • Frozen food items (peas, berries)

  • Chips and salted snacks

Limit - may have in small amounts

  • (naturally contain sodium)

  • Beets, spinach, celery

  • Bottled olives and capers

  • Anchovies

  • Caviar

Soy sauce

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