Have You Heard of this New Jose Rizal Manga?!

Source: Manga.club

Have you heard of this new manga about the life of Jose Rizal, our National Hero, in case you were swanning around in school.

The Manga Club (manga.club) launched a new manga about the life of Jose Rizal, titled "Jose Rizal".

They dropped the first volume of the manga last June 19, 2018 – Jose Rizal’s 157th birthday. This new manga will document his life and works. The first four volumes are said to be shared free to readers.

Created by manga artist Ryo Konno and writer Takahiro Matsui, “Jose Rizal” is published by TORICO, CCC. If you want to read the series, click on this link: https://www.manga.club/jose/

Source: Rappler, YouTube