Converting Documents to PDF Format

Today I'll be sharing with you a quick tip on converting your documents to pdf (for Windows users).

To achieve this we need a "PDF Printer" software. For this tutorial, I would recommend "Bullzip". It's a free software which you can download through this link ->

After downloading, install Bullzip. Just follow the installation wizard instruction and you'll do just fine.

Splitting text into columns with Excel

Screenshot 1:
Go and get the Bullzip PDF Printer at

Screenshot 2:
After installation, noticed that a new printer is added to your system. You can check this at Control Panel -> Devices and Printers.

Screenshot 3:
Open any of your documents, and then we will print it. Make sure to select the "Bullzip PDF Printer" from the list.

Screenshot 4:
Horray! Your document is now converted to PDF format.