Pinoy Urban Legends 11: My Way Curse
If you know this song by Sinatra, I suggest you don’t sing this in a karaoke—and no it is not because of your voice (partly).
Over the past decade, something sinister has come upon this song when sung in karaoke bars and any café or restaurant that sings it.
More of this series: Pinoy Urban Legends
Show All- Pinoy Urban Legends 1: Cebuano Urban Legends Your Grandfolks Probably Told You
- Pinoy Urban Legends 2: Jeepney Ride from Hell
- Pinoy Urban Legends 3: The Headless Priest
- Pinoy Urban Legends 4: The Endless Road
- Pinoy Urban Legends 5: The Sitsit
- Pinoy Urban Legends 6: Cat in the Siopao
- Pinoy Urban Legends 7: Why There are No More Agta Sightings
- Pinoy Urban Legends 8: The Injection
- Pinoy Urban Legends 9: Robinsonssssss
- Pinoy Urban Legends 10: The 13th Floor
- Pinoy Urban Legends 11: My Way Curse
- Pinoy Urban Legends 12: The Cebu Normal University Night Guard Rounds
You pick the song, start it and sing it but once you do, you also unleash hell—not your voice again. Many incidents all over Philippines were caused because of this song. One incident was on how when someone was singing a song a police officer drew a revolver. Thousands of killings have occurred because of that song being sung.
Many have removed that song now from karaoke machines so try and search for it if you want just don’t sing. It is said to be evil because of the lyrics provoking a malevolent version of you or maybe because we are in the Philippines and karaoke will always be partnered with alcohol here which almost never ends well for the singer and the audience.
More of this series: Pinoy Urban Legends
Show All- Pinoy Urban Legends 1: Cebuano Urban Legends Your Grandfolks Probably Told You
- Pinoy Urban Legends 2: Jeepney Ride from Hell
- Pinoy Urban Legends 3: The Headless Priest
- Pinoy Urban Legends 4: The Endless Road
- Pinoy Urban Legends 5: The Sitsit
- Pinoy Urban Legends 6: Cat in the Siopao
- Pinoy Urban Legends 7: Why There are No More Agta Sightings
- Pinoy Urban Legends 8: The Injection
- Pinoy Urban Legends 9: Robinsonssssss
- Pinoy Urban Legends 10: The 13th Floor
- Pinoy Urban Legends 11: My Way Curse
- Pinoy Urban Legends 12: The Cebu Normal University Night Guard Rounds
Pinoy Urban Legends 10: The 13th Floor
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Pinoy Urban Legends 9: Robinsonssssss
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Pinoy Urban Legends 8: The Injection
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Pinoy Urban Legends 3: The Headless Priest
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Pinoy Urban Legends 6: Cat in the Siopao
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